
Bcl-6 is a nuclear transcription marker that is normally expressed on follicular (germinal center) B-cells and a subset of intrafollicular T-cells.  It is usually expressed in cases of follicular lymphoma, and a subset of diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (40%).
Follicular Lymphoma
In follicular lymphoma, the expression intensity of bcd-6 is an independent prognostic marker.  In general, the stronger the bcd-6 expression, the better the overall and disease free survival.  Overall, at least 88% of cases show expression.
In cases of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, bcd-6 is used as part of a panel, including CD10 and MUM-1, to sub classify cases as either germinal center or non-germinal center immunophenotypes (Hans’ classifier).  Germinal center immunophenotypes are associated with better survival compared to a non-germinal immunophenotype. 
Bcl-6 is generally interpreted and reported in a semi-quantitative manner with regard to intensity (e.g. 1+, 2+, or 3+) and distribution (e.g. >50% of the lymphoma cells)
Bcl-6 Expression Pattern
Bcl-6 Reactive Lymph Node
Bcl-6 expression in a reactive lymph node.
Bcl-6 Reactive Lymph Node
Bcl-6 expression in a reactive lymph node.
Bcl-6 Follicular Lymphoma
Bcl-6 expression in follicular lymphoma.

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